It is important to note that there are a couple different ways to access your VPS.
The first, and easiest method is to log in through your Rebel account.
The second way is through the use of a Control Panel like Plesk which allows you to easily manage your websites, domain names, and users. This Control Panel allows you to accomplish most tasks required for day to day operations. The third method is by using SSH (Secure Shell). SSH allows you to get full root (administrative) access to your VPS through the command line. You may need to use SSH if you want to modify the configuration of services or to install new services on your VPS.
Logging into the Plesk Control Panel
Method 1.
To log into your Plesk Control panel via your Rebel account, login and navigate to your Hosting Manager.
From your hosting manager, choose the VPS package you'd like to login to and click the control panel button:
You will now be re-directed to your Plesk Control Panel.
Advanced Methods
To log into the Plesk Control Panel, you need to navigate to the server using a Web Browser. The way you do this depends on if your server has a hostname or not. Please note that in both cases you need navigate to port 8443 to access the Control Panel, this is done by adding a colon followed by the port number 8443 in your web address.
Method 2.
If you only know the IP address of your VPS and have not configured a hostname on your VPS, you can navigate to the login page using the IP address. The path will look like this: https://<PublicIPAddress>:8443. Here is an example:
Method 3.
If you have previously configured a hostname and domain for your server, you can navigate to the login page using that hostname. It would look like this: https://<hostname>:8443, and here is an example:
You have successfully accessed the login page when you see a login page that looks like this:
Before logging into your VPS using SSH, you will need to get a few pieces of information:
User name: The user to log in as. The default admin user on a Rebel VPS is "root"
Password: The password that is used to authenticate the user that you are logging in as.
Public IP address: This is the address that uniquely identifies your VPS on the Internet.
Using SSH
Using SSH on a Mac or Linux system
Step 1.
Open up a terminal window to get started
Step 2.
To get connected, in the terminal window type the following command:
ssh root@<Public IP Address>
For example, if the IP address or your VPS was, the command would look like this: ssh root@ Then press Enter.
The first time you connect to a VPS by SSH you may see a confirmation message like this:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 79:95:46:1a:ab:37:11:8e:86:54:36:38:bb:3c:fa:c0.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
It is safe to type Yes and then click Enter. Your computer is simply telling you that this server isn't recognized because it is the first time you are connecting to it.
Step 3.
You will be prompted for a password. You must type in the password for the root user here and press enter. If you have done everything correctly, you should be signed into the VPS server at this point.
Using SSH on a Windows system
Windows does not have a built in SSH program, so you will need to download a program call PuTTY for Windows. You can download PuTTY from
Step 1.
Launch PuTTY by using the putty.exe file you downloaded, it should look like this once opened:
Step 2.
You will need to configure the connection, fill in these areas:
- Host Name (or IP address): Enter in your VPS's Public IP address here
- Port: 22 (22 is the default configuration)
- Connection Type: SSH
Step 3.
Press the Open button at the bottom to start the connection. You may see a warning like this the first time you connect:
This warning is ok and simply warning you that this is the first time you are connecting to the server. It is safe to press Yes.
Step 4.
You will now need to enter in the login credentials:
- Login as: root
- Password: enter in the password for your VPS
If you followed all of these steps successfully, you should now be logged in to your VPS using SSH.
When you access your Plesk Control Panel for the first time, you may see a warning that looks like this:
This warning happens because there is no SSL certificate configured for your Plesk Control Panel and it is safe to bypass it. Follow the instructions to add an SSL to your VPS package.
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