New, Improved Domain Name Searches - Feedback Request!
Pinned FeaturedWe have improved our doman name search function and made it faster than ever, and would love your feedback. Please post your comments here!
Official comment
Hi Glen,
Thanks for your comment! We're glad you have found our information helpful and that you like our .CA sale prices. This is a great time to sign up for hosting with Rebel, since we are now offering it at 70% off and will even move your site from an existing host over for free.
Your promo code will be in your inbox shortly! :)
Marylou Scott-Smith
Customer Experience Manager
Comment actions -
I have been receiving Rebel emails for a year, and I've always found them to be helpful. The last time I saw your site it wasn't nearly as fun to use, I really enjoy the list of the Domains with the prices and discounts easy to read, and when I saw that .ca Domains were only $2, and I could buy10 .ca Domains before the expiry date, I was very happy. If I get a promo code for commenting, I will be even happier, and I will sign up for hosting on Rebel tomorrow.
The new search feature is nearly perfect. It's fast, persistent, and sensible. It doesn't frustrate me or waste my time as much as other registrars. My only complaint is that it doesn't always show the status of the domain I searched. Overall, well done. Your smart competitors should try to copy this functionality.
I'm new to and am just now feeling my way around your offerings and the .eco craze. It's been very helpful to me to be able to research domain names on your site to see what might be available within my green field of passion. Your domain search is a breeze to navigate, for which I am grateful. What would be helpful is to see at a glance what distinguishes you from other hosting agencies with a sort of ranking system or chart that shows what you offer for the same or comparable price of what others are offering. One thing that did confound me is that some of my searches came up with a big bold statement in red when the domain was taken, and other times when the domain was already taken I didn't see the big bold statement in red, but a simple red "X" only. Because of that inconsistency I wasn't 100% sure of whether a domain was actually taken or not. That might be worth fixing. All in all, I like what I see at Rebel. The name of your website resonates with my personal archetype, which is why I clicked on your website instead of your competitors. Silly, no doubt, but still, all the same - here I am. I'm going to keep investigating your company and offerings. Since I discovered you on the .eco site, I need to determine that you are actually full-blown enviro.
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