This will create a signature from emails sent through Webmail. If you are using Outlook, Mac Mail, or another email application you will need to set up a signature in those individual applications.
To add a signature or an image to your signature for your email, please follow the steps below:
Step 1:
Log into your webmail account at Please note, the option for a signature with is by clicking on General -> and then clicking on Identity
Step 2:
Click on wheel (circle with spikes) in Hosting OS at the top of your page next to Others

Step 3:
Click Preferences then for Mail
Click Preferences then for Mail

Step 4:
Under General click Personal Information
Under General click Personal Information

Step 5:
Under Your Signature, you can create your signature and copy and paste an image here. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Under Your Signature, you can create your signature and copy and paste an image here. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

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